COLDLANDS seminars on “Japanese-Russian cooperation in the North” was held jointly by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Hokkaido University (HaRP Secretariat), as well as by the International Arctic school and the Department of Northern studies of the North-Eastern Federal University for representatives of Japanese and Russian universities, companies and government agencies.
This is a meeting of representatives of organizations and individual participants whose activities are related to the North, and their external partners among private companies and self-government bodies.
This is a meeting of representatives of organizations and individual participants whose activities are related to the North, and their external partners among private companies and self-government bodies.
The seminar was one of the official events in the framework of the “YEAR of JAPANESE-RUSSIAN INTERREGIONAL AND TWINNING EXCHANGES 2020-2021”.
It consisted of an introductory plenary session, discussions in 5 sections:
and the final plenary session.
The introductory session included presentations on the latest developments in Japanese-Russian cooperation on the North and the Arctic, including the launch of the national Science project in northeast Asia and the launch of the ArCS (Arctic Challenge for Sustainability)-II project in Japan under the leadership of Hokkaido University.
The seminar’s moderator Mikhail PRISYAZHNY spoke about the creation of the Northern research and education center “North – territory of sustainable development” as a new step in the development of academic cooperation within Russia and with foreign partners, primarily Japan.
Shin SUGIYAMA, a Professor at the Institute of low temperatures at Hokkaido University, presented ArCS-II as a new impetus for Japanese-Russian cooperation in research and education in the North.
An important part of the Seminar’s Opening was a speech by Marina LOMAYEVA, coordinator of the University-industry-government Partnership of the Department of international relations, human resources development platform for Japanese-Russian economic cooperation and personnel exchange (HaRP) of Hokkaido University, who officially announced the launch of a new specialized section “Ecology, nature management, multicultural education
The discussion in 5 sections allowed Japanese and Russian scientists and their partners to exchange information and proposals on promising joint projects for 2020-2021 and, furthermore, discuss topics and formats for future cooperation. At the final session, the moderators of each section summed up the results of the presentations and discussions, and the participants had the opportunity to discuss them in order to identify promising areas of cooperation, frameworks and steps for future joint projects.
Natsuhiko OTSUKA, Professor of the Arctic research center at Hokkaido University, reported on a serious analysis of the results of the most numerous Section 3. The seminar focused on the North-Eastern sector of the Arctic, where global changes are taking place that require comprehensive interdisciplinary research with the participation of the international expert community. Many Russian and Japanese participants made concrete proposals for implementing projects in areas that coincide with the topics of the sections.
To register for the “COLDLANDS” seminar, the materials were sent by the speakers in advance and distributed among the participants. This allowed the Northern Forum to focus on discussing the projects proposed by the participants of the seminar for implementation. The results of the intensive work of the Russian-Japanese group that gathered at the Northern Forum on Sustainable Development were summed up by the well-known organizer of science, a specialist in regional development, Professor Shinichiro TABATA.
The Secretariat of the Human Resource Development Platform for Japan-Russia Economic Cooperation and Personnel Exchange (HaRP), created on the basis of the Department of international cooperation of Hokkaido University, plays an important role in building mutually